The Ke’anae Peninsula was created from an immense lava flow originating from Haleakala Crater, centuries ago Hawaiians brought soil down, by hand, from the crater to create the Peninsula. Their amazing display of physical labor is a testament to how revered this land is in Hawaiian culture. It is no wonder so much history is found here! Today it is home to a few local residents, taro fields, world class fishing, and great photo opportunities of the North Shore’s powerful waves crashing against Maui’s black, jagged, lava rocks. Hana Picnic has more information on this and other points of interest on the Road to Hana.
- Alau Island
- avocados
- Bamboo Forest
- Banyan tree
- Food To Go
- guava trees
- Hamoa Beach
- hana picnic
- hana picnic food to go
- hana picnic sandwich
- Hana Picnics
- Hawaii History
- Hawaiin legends
- heiau (religious temples)
- hibiscus state flower
- Hiking trails
- Ho'okipa Beach
- Holy Rosary Church
- Honomanu Bay
- Ke'anae Arboretum.
- kukui nuts
- Makapipi Falls.
- Maui Made
- Maui-Made Gifts
- Nahiku
- Oheo Gulch. “The Seven Sacred Pools.”
- Ono Gelato
- Paia
- Paia Gelato
- Picnic Sandwiches
- pineapple fields
- plumeria
- Pua'a Ka'a State Park.
- red sand beach
- Road to Hana Nature
- Road to Hana Weather
- Sand and Sea
- The Road To Hana
- Tips and Essential Blog
- Uncategorized
- Waianapanapa Coast.