A shade-tolerant, evergreen tree native to equatorial Africa and a member of the Bignoniaceae family, which includes the Jacaranda (also growing on Maui). It is also known as Flame Tree, Fountain Tree and Indian Cedar and although it was originally introduced as a domesticated ornamental tree, the African Tulip Tree has escaped cultivation and invaded agricultural land, forest plantations, and natural forests, and is now one of the dominant canopy trees in all of Hawaii’s rain forests. For more information on this and other plant species on Maui, visit Hana Picnic Co, your one stop shop for all your Road to Hana supplies.
- Alau Island
- avocados
- Bamboo Forest
- Banyan tree
- Food To Go
- guava trees
- Hamoa Beach
- hana picnic
- hana picnic food to go
- hana picnic sandwich
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- hibiscus state flower
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- Ho'okipa Beach
- Holy Rosary Church
- Honomanu Bay
- Ke'anae Arboretum.
- kukui nuts
- Makapipi Falls.
- Maui Made
- Maui-Made Gifts
- Nahiku
- Oheo Gulch. “The Seven Sacred Pools.”
- Ono Gelato
- Paia
- Paia Gelato
- Picnic Sandwiches
- pineapple fields
- plumeria
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