Take your time, stop in the town of Paia for a morning stroll down Baldwin Beach, have breakfast at a tucked away café, pick up a picnic lunch at Hana Picnic Co and snag one of their free route maps and then watch the waves break at the Ho’okipa Lookout. Stop and swim in waterfalls, hike through bamboo forests, and if you’re ever in need of a snack just pull off at any of the roadside stands for a loaf of banana bread or locally grown fruit. If the guy behind you is on your tail, pull over and let him pass. Who cares? This is Hana, and there isn’t any rush. Drive slowly and pay attention to road signs and mile markers. If you see a sign which says “kapu”, it’s a Hawaiian word which translates to “No Trespassing” or “Keep Out”. If you encounter a kapu sign, it’s best to simply move along and enjoy a spot which is more accessible to the public. Check with Hana Picnic Co for more information.
- Alau Island
- avocados
- Bamboo Forest
- Banyan tree
- Food To Go
- guava trees
- Hamoa Beach
- hana picnic
- hana picnic food to go
- hana picnic sandwich
- Hana Picnics
- Hawaii History
- Hawaiin legends
- heiau (religious temples)
- hibiscus state flower
- Hiking trails
- Ho'okipa Beach
- Holy Rosary Church
- Honomanu Bay
- Ke'anae Arboretum.
- kukui nuts
- Makapipi Falls.
- Maui Made
- Maui-Made Gifts
- Nahiku
- Oheo Gulch. “The Seven Sacred Pools.”
- Ono Gelato
- Paia
- Paia Gelato
- Picnic Sandwiches
- pineapple fields
- plumeria
- Pua'a Ka'a State Park.
- red sand beach
- Road to Hana Nature
- Road to Hana Weather
- Sand and Sea
- The Road To Hana
- Tips and Essential Blog
- Uncategorized
- Waianapanapa Coast.