
In Father Damien’s loving hands, the colonies soon became orderly, even somewhat happy places.  Although he could not cure leprosy, Father Damien and his way of faith brought a renewed sense of purpose to the colonists.  Father Damien first became widely known for his ministrations to the lepers when King David Kalakaua granted him the title Kinight Commander of the Royal Order of Kalakaua and sent Princess Lili’uokalani to give the priest his medal and visit the colonies on Molokai.  She was so moved by her experience that she began to tell the story of Father Damien and the lepers on Molokai, and as it spread the priest’s fame increased.  Father Damien himself contracted leprosy in 1884, dying of the disease in 1889.  It is said he strove to be of service until the very end of his life, and worked to make sure his legacy would live on . Check with Hana Picnic co for more information.