The old stone church at Keanae is called Ihi’ihio Iehowa o na Kaua church in the Hawaiian language. It was built in 1856 and is the sole surviving building of the April 1st, 1946 tsunami which wiped out the entire village at Keanae Peninsula. The earthquake that caused the killer tsunami originated in the Aleutian island chain off the coast of Alaska which registered as an 8.6 on the richter scale. The waves that hit Maui Island, Hawaii topped 35 feet, or 12 meters, but near the tsunami’s epicenter the waves topped 35 meters, or over 100 feet. There wAnother Historical place of interest on the Road to no tsunami warning system in the Pacific at the time, so Hawaii was caught completely off guard. No one saw it coming. Maui island alone lost 20 children and 4 teachers to the wave, a huge loss for a village as small has Ke’anae. Hana Picnic has information on this and other historical sites on the Road to Hana.
- Alau Island
- avocados
- Bamboo Forest
- Banyan tree
- Food To Go
- guava trees
- Hamoa Beach
- hana picnic
- hana picnic food to go
- hana picnic sandwich
- Hana Picnics
- Hawaii History
- Hawaiin legends
- heiau (religious temples)
- hibiscus state flower
- Hiking trails
- Ho'okipa Beach
- Holy Rosary Church
- Honomanu Bay
- Ke'anae Arboretum.
- kukui nuts
- Makapipi Falls.
- Maui Made
- Maui-Made Gifts
- Nahiku
- Oheo Gulch. “The Seven Sacred Pools.”
- Ono Gelato
- Paia
- Paia Gelato
- Picnic Sandwiches
- pineapple fields
- plumeria
- Pua'a Ka'a State Park.
- red sand beach
- Road to Hana Nature
- Road to Hana Weather
- Sand and Sea
- The Road To Hana
- Tips and Essential Blog
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- Waianapanapa Coast.