Not only does the Hana Highway itself boast an interesting history, there are many note-worthy historical sites located along the drive. Located in the town of Hana, the Hana Cultural Center is believed to be one of the oldest buildings on Maui. Hana town also has an accurate replica of an ancient Hawaiian living compound, giving visitors a window into ancient Hawaiian life. Eight miles south of Hana is the gravesite of a nineteenth century Maui chieftain known as Helio’s Grave. Also, a nearby cave marks the birth place of one of Hawaii’s most famous women, Queen Ka’ahumanu, wife of Hawaii’s first ruling monarch King Kamehameha I. Another popular historical site is the home and grave of American aviator Charles Lindbergh, considered an American hero for piloting the world’s first trans-atlantic flight. Lindbergh retired with his family to Maui after the kidnapping and murder of his young child made headlines all over America and lived out the rest of his life in Hana. For more historical facts check Hana Picnic Co.
- Alau Island
- avocados
- Bamboo Forest
- Banyan tree
- Food To Go
- guava trees
- Hamoa Beach
- hana picnic
- hana picnic food to go
- hana picnic sandwich
- Hana Picnics
- Hawaii History
- Hawaiin legends
- heiau (religious temples)
- hibiscus state flower
- Hiking trails
- Ho'okipa Beach
- Holy Rosary Church
- Honomanu Bay
- Ke'anae Arboretum.
- kukui nuts
- Makapipi Falls.
- Maui Made
- Maui-Made Gifts
- Nahiku
- Oheo Gulch. “The Seven Sacred Pools.”
- Ono Gelato
- Paia
- Paia Gelato
- Picnic Sandwiches
- pineapple fields
- plumeria
- Pua'a Ka'a State Park.
- red sand beach
- Road to Hana Nature
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- The Road To Hana
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